In aesthetic medicine, countless dedicated individuals strive to advance the profession, each and every day. This Award, which previously recognised a lifetime achievement over a long, established career, now spotlights one particularly outstanding achievement made by an individual within the specialty in the last 12 months. This individual will have had a positive impact on the industry and their peers, alongside an exemplary career of best practice and excellence in the field.

As part of the criteria for this award, the individual must have made an outstanding contribution to the profession as a whole in the last 12 months, and shown dedication to advancing the specialty in the UK or Ireland. Examples of achievements might include: outstanding collaborative working within the industry, progress with regulation, pioneering industry-changing ideas or championing new initiatives such as ESG (environmental social governance). The Winner for The Aesthetics Award for Outstanding Achievement in Medical Aesthetics is selected by the Aesthetics team following an industry nomination process.

There are no Finalists for this Award, and no voting component. The winner will be announced at the Aesthetics Awards ceremony on March 16th.

Nominations for this Award close on February 12th

In 300 words, please summarise why the nominee deserves to win The Outstanding Achievement in Medical Aesthetics Award 2024. 
